Four graduate students from the MA Program in War and Society presented their research at the annual Society for Military History (SMH) Conference this past weekend in Louisville, Kentucky. More than 650 people attended the conference at which Chapman University students discussed their work using materials from the Center of American War Letters. During the fall 2017 semester, Professor Jennifer Keene led a graduate course on the soldier experience of war. Keene is also the current president of the SMH.

Students’ presentation topics ranged from women USO hostesses in World War II, to soldier experiences in the Vietnam War, to Nixon’s foreign policy during the 1971 India-Pakistan crisis.

According to Professor Greg Daddis, director of the MA Program in War and Society, Chapman’s students excelled at the conference. “Jennifer and I quite literally had scholars from all across the nation telling us how impressed they were with our students and our MA program,” Daddis said.

All four students were able to travel to Louisville thanks to a generous donation made by Mark and Donna Hoover.