From Our Eyes
For me, February 4, 2023 was quite a momentous day! It was my best friend, Winnie’s 21st birthday (she’s Chinese American!) It was civil rights activist Rosa Parks’s birthday, and it was also the day I got to visit the Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles with other Wilkinson College students, staff, and faculty. The
Research Reveals Wikipedia’s Intentional Distortion of the History of the Holocaust
Wikipedia is one of the few trusted sources of reliable information left on the Internet. This, of course, is exactly why governments that want to promote a particular perspective have incentive to manipulate it. New research by Chapman University and the University of Ottawa shows how a small group of individuals, with no ties to
Trinity Huynh ’24 Advocates for Higher Education with State Legislators
Political science student Trinity Huynh ’24 will represent Chapman University as a participant in the 2023 Independent California Colleges Advocate Program (ICCAP). Organized by the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU), ICCAP gives students the opportunity to participate in public policy decisions while gaining hands-on experience talking to elected state officials about issues
Calliope REALM Recognition
Chapman University’s Calliope Art & Literary Magazine was recognized as “Superior” in the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines (REALM) contest. This is the second of four tiers of recognition, just behind “REALM First Class.” The winning entry was Calliope’s Fall 2021 Issue. Congratulations to Editor-in-Chief Tara
Have Mercy On Us
Creative Writing Professor Lisa Cupolo recently published her book Have Mercy On Us (Regal House Publishing, 2023). The new book is a collection of stories that explores love, relationships, and all the complications: loss, betrayal, and longing. The collection features not only romantic love and relationships, but also that of mothers and daughters, fathers
How Studying Abroad in Japan Helped Me Find My New Career Path
This month I am turning the blog over to one of our amazing students, Carolyn Holt, who studied abroad in Tokyo last semester. Four months in Japan changed her perspective and goals for after graduation. My name is Carolyn Holt and I am a junior Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences student, majoring
Motherhood to Motherhoods Conference
Chapman University is hosting a free, three-day conference, Motherhood to Motherhoods: Ideologies of ‘The Feminine’ on April 28-30 2023. Dr. Julye Bidmead (Religious Studies) and Dr. Stephanie Takaragawa (Sociology) received a 2022-23 On-Campus Conference Award to organize this conference, which will investigate the construction of “motherhood” as a concept and connect community members to holistic
New to Wilkinson College, Dr. Maliheh Ghajargar, Graphic Design
The Voice of Wilkinson sat down with new faculty member Dr. Maliheh Ghajargar and asked her why she chose Wilkinson College and what it means to be a part of the heart and soul of Chapman University. As always, we included those fun “get-to-know-you” questions we all love. Dr. Maliheh Ghajargar Assistant Professor of Graphic
Recognition for Dr. Justin Walsh’s Pioneering Space Archaeology Project
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences congratulates Dr. Justin St. P. Walsh (Department of Art) and Dr. Alice Gorman (Department of Archaeology at Flinders University in Australia) who were recently presented with the Archaeological Institute of America’s 2023 Award for Outstanding Work in Digital Archaeology for their work on International Space Station Archaeological
Student Perspective: Engagements with the Escalette Collection
The Escalette Collection of Art is looking back at some of the fantastic work students created in the Fall 2022 semester based on artwork in the collection. Displaying artwork throughout Chapman’s campus allows students to engage with the collection, whether in their classes or just walking by. By bringing their unique backgrounds, perspectives, and knowledge to