Hidden Mysteries of Canvas: Requirements to a Canvas Module
Adding requirements to a module is an essential step to ensure that students complete the necessary tasks required to mark a module complete. By adding requirements, instructors can choose to have students complete all requirements or choose one item to fulfill a specific requirement. However, it is important to note that instructors must add module
Canvas Updates
Calendar Recurring Events Summary In the Calendar, users can create and edit recurring events. Change Benefit This feature optimizes scheduling and improves user workflows. Feature Workflow When adding or editing an event in a calendar, users can select the frequency using the drop-down menu in the Edit Event modal. Notes: Each frequency selection has an occurrence
Hidden Mysteries of Canvas: Understanding your Canvas Settings
Dear Instructors, As an educator, you understand how important it is to create a personalized learning experience for your students. One way to achieve this is by customizing your Canvas course settings. However, navigating the labyrinth of Canvas settings can be a daunting task. Fear not, Instructors! In this blog post, we will unveil the
Hidden Mysteries of Canvas: Ungraded vs. Graded Discussions
Many instructors like to use Discussions in Canvas as a forum for students to share their work and give peer-to-peer feedback. For example, an instructor teaching a graphic design course might create a discussion in their Canvas course where students will upload designs that they have created for an assignment and critique one another’s designs.
Hidden Mysteries of Canvas: Atomic Search
Atomic Search is a fully integrated search tool in Canvas, making it easy to search for content in Pages, Announcements, Files, Assignments, Syllabi, Discussions (titles), Modules, and external URLs with just one click. It can even search for content in files like MS Word, Excel, PPT, and web pages. This powerful tool saves time and
Hidden Mysteries of Canvas: Canvas Chat
Did you know there is a chat feature in Canvas? Here are some ideas on how you can use it: Quickly share links Have you ever needed to share a long link to a roomful of students but forgot to put the link in Canvas? Or what if a student wants to share a link
Hidden Mysteries of Canvas: Navigating Your Canvas Gradebook with Filters
Navigating through the maze of columns and boxes in the Canvas Gradebook can sometimes feel like a daunting task. Have you ever wished for a way to streamline your view, focusing on what matters most? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got a not-so-secret trick up our sleeves to help you declutter your Gradebook: Canvas Gradebook
Apple Devices iWork App Files Can Now Be Viewed In Canvas
Canvas LMS users who use Apple devices can now enjoy a more streamlined experience thanks to a recent enhancement. The new feature enables students and instructors to interact with files from iWork apps like Keynote, Pages, and Numbers directly in Canvas, simplifying the submission process for assignments and making grading even more efficient for teachers.
My students have already submitted an assignment in Canvas. Can I still use Turnitin to check for originality?
Dear Chapman Instructors, You may find this blog post helpful if: You created an assignment in your Canvas course, but you weren’t sure how to create a Turnitin assignment, or you forgot to select Turnitin in the assignment details. Your students have already submitted the assignment. You would now like to use Turnitin to check
Respondus LockDown Browser
Author’s note: Respondus LockDown Browser allows instructors to lock down the browser on a student’s device during test taking. Please note not all devices and programs support the browser. Specifically, certain free programs for accessibility cannot use the LockDown Browser. Please review the Respondus LockDown system requirements and accessibility features. Then, verify students have the