Anonymous Instructor Annotations

June 26, 2023 by | Canvas

If you have a grader or multiple instructors in a course, you may want to consider turning on anonymous instructor annotations in your assignment. When creating an assignment, you can enable anonymous instructor annotations in DocViewer supported submissions. When students view a submission with anonymous instructor annotations in DocViewer, comments do not display an instructor’s


Canvas Spotlight on Instructors

June 23, 2023 by | Canvas

What do Chapman students want to see in a well-designed Canvas course? According to a recent survey, they want Canvas to be organized, assignments clearly communicated with due dates, and the course easy to navigate. These findings are in line with a recent Ohio University survey. In April 2023, we asked students to share examples


New Canvas Feature: Apply Score to Ungraded

June 20, 2023 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Instructors and Staff, There is a new feature in Canvas called “Apply Score to Ungraded” that makes it easier to enter grades in the Gradebook for past due and ungraded assignments. What does the “Apply Score to Ungraded” feature do? Have you ever had to go back through your Gradebook at the end


Anonymous Grading in Canvas

June 12, 2023 by | Canvas

Have you ever found yourself unintentionally influenced while grading an assignment upon seeing a student’s name? It’s a common experience that many of us can relate to. Canvas has a new feature specifically designed to address this issue, allowing instructors to conceal student identities in Speedgrader, promoting fairness and impartiality within the classroom. By utilizing


YuJa Playlists

June 6, 2023 by | YuJa

Now available from the My Media Navigation Bar, Content Creators (Faculty, Staff, and Students) can create custom playlists by adding and rearranging media content in any sequence they desire. Once a playlist has been created, it may then be directly linked or embedded for viewing on any desired website. Future updates will enhance the Playlist


The Poll Everywhere Visual Changes are Here!

June 2, 2023 by | Faculty

Poll Everywhere has undergone an exciting visual update, bringing a modernized look and enhanced activity designs. This update introduces brighter colors, QR codes for seamless participation, and improved readability of activity results. Let’s explore the noteworthy changes that have been made: QR Codes for Easy Participation: Presenting your activity to the class now generates a


Canvas Updates

May 24, 2023 by | Canvas

Rich Content Editor Drag and Drop or Paste Multiple Files Summary In the Rich Content Editor, users can drag and drop or paste multiple files. Change Benefit This change allows users to quickly and efficiently add files in the Rich Content Editor. Feature Workflow Users can drag and drop multiple files into the Rich Content


How to Reopen a Canvas Course for Incomplete Grades

May 22, 2023 by | Canvas

How do I reopen a Canvas course to resolve an incomplete? Canvas is set up so that students are unable to access Canvas courses after the course is completed.  If you have a student who needs to resolve an incomplete grade, you will need to submit a request to make the course available for that

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