Frequently Asked Questions About Canvas Quizzes

April 29, 2024 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Instructors, Final exam season has arrived!  Below please find the most frequently asked questions about Canvas Quizzes at this time of year. Note: The below instructions are for Canvas Classic Quizzes. If you are using or intend to use Canvas New Quizzes, please see these Canvas guides. How do I accommodate students who


Are You Using Canvas New Quizzes?

April 29, 2024 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Instructors, Are you using Canvas New Quizzes?  Do your quiz questions contain images?  If you answered yes to both of these questions, please read on. At this time, there are two known issues causing embedded images not to display for students in Canvas New Quizzes.   Known Issue #1: New Quizzes Item Banks


New in Zoom: All Screens Mode

April 23, 2024 by | Zoom

Why Use All Screens Mode? Imagine a scenario where you’re hosting a virtual workshop or a collaborative session where every participant’s input is valuable. Traditionally, screen sharing has been one person at a time, limiting the flow of information and interaction. But with All Screens mode, every participant can share their screen simultaneously, providing a


Understanding Turnitin's AI Writing Detection Feature

April 23, 2024 by | Faculty

Turnitin’s new AI writing detection feature has been the talk of the academic community, as it promises to help instructors detect potential plagiarism of AI writing tools in student papers. However, users have reported false positives, highlighting the need for caution in relying solely on the tool. Rather than using this tool to prevent academic


2024 Creative Learning Experience With Adobe:

March 14, 2024 by Briana Craig | Technology

This blog post is authored by Briana Craig, Student Technology Assistant at Educational Technology Services. The Creative Learning Experience with Adobe workshop provided an informative and eye-opening journey into the world of Adobe Creative Cloud products. As I entered the workshop, my knowledge was limited to the basics of only a few Adobe products. However, now that I’ve


Preview the Canvas Discussion Redesign

March 5, 2024 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Instructors, Did you know Canvas has some exciting changes coming to the Discussions tool? These changes are planned to take effect on July 20, 2024. Canvas created a short but informative video highlighting the new features that come with the Discussion Redesign.   Questions? We hope you found this video helpful in what


LTI 1.3 Upgrades

January 30, 2024 by | Canvas

What is LTI? LTI stands for Learning Tools Interoperability LTI in Canvas: Reduces the time and development cost to connect Canvas with learning tools. Provides seamless and secure access for students and teachers to the learning tools they regularly utilize. Provides a streamlined way to create user accounts and grant access. Reduces teacher workload by

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