Teaching Tips Thursday: Wheel of Names
What is the Wheel of Names? Wheel of names is a free online tool to randomize names or images. Access Go to the wheel of names website to access https://wheelofnames.com/ Ideas for Using Wheel of Names Student names Team names Subject matter You can copy special characters like smileys from other websites and paste them
New tool available in the Canvas Speedgrader
The latest update of Canvas (March 21, 2021) introduced a new feature in the Speedgrader: Submission Reassignments. SpeedGrader: Submission Reassignments (2021-03-20 Release) from Instructure Canvas Community on Vimeo. Summary In SpeedGrader, instructors can reassign an assignment with a due date to an individual student and ask them to redo their submission. Change Benefit This
Real Problems: Virtual Support
Last March, as the Covid-19 pandemic hit the United States, Chapman University’s Educational Technology Services team launched a virtual support option for faculty. We flipped our model from in-person to virtual in a matter of days, and when we needed help, members from other departments happily stepped in. Our goal was to continue to deliver
Share your second device into your Zoom class
While sharing your screen into a meeting is a well-known Zoom feature, easily done by clicking on the Green Share Screen Icon at the bottom of your meeting window, many have discovered that you can share your iPad using your home wifi to host that content. This works well on home wifi on either Windows or Apple
Making the Most out of Teaching a HyFlex class
This blog post is authored by Dr. Melissa Rowland-Goldsmith, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Co-Director of the Institute for Excellence in Teaching & Learning On March 11, 2020, I had to quickly pivot the direction of my research based molecular biology lab class so that the students would still
Zoom default recording changes
Effective March 26th, 2021, Chapman will be changing the default cloud recording to: Record active speaker with shared screen. This change will provide a better viewing experience in Canvas for Students. Students will see only two options, audio and video. The prior default settings made five different files (speaker view, shared screen, gallery view, shared
The Impact of Creativity in STEM
The Adobe Digital Literacy Café webinar series is designed to provide academic leaders with various perspectives on preparing students for success in the modern economy. Join us for a panel discussion with academic thought leaders from East Carolina University, MIT, and more. During this hour, the group will share their perspectives, student examples, and
Poll your students about the upcoming return to campus
Dear Faculty and Instructors, If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to poll or survey your students about returning to in-person instruction after Spring break. It is important not to exceed the COVID-19 capacity of any room. As of 3/18/2021 we are currently in the RED TIER. Talk to your students and
Teaching Tips Thursday: Mid-Semester Feedback
Midterm season has officially arrived! This time after the first major assessment of the semester can be the perfect time to pause, reflect on your teaching thus far, and ask your students for their feedback. Benefits of collecting mid-semester feedback Taking time for a mid-semester feedback survey can reap so many benefits for both instructors
Getting Started with Poll Everywhere in Canvas
Presentation Slides Poll Everywhere in Canvas Presentation Video