Solve some Zoom frustration by only sharing part of your screen

February 5, 2021 by | Zoom

I’ve gotten a few questions this week from instructors: I can’t see the students while sharing I can’t see the chat while sharing I have issues trying to share a PowerPoint and videos I use multiple screens and sharing isn’t working the way I want Sharing takes over my entire screen and I don’t like


Canvas Updates

January 26, 2021 by | Canvas

PAGES Bulk Page Delete Multiple pages can be deleted at one time in the Pages Index page. This change allows outdated content to be removed more quickly. Previously pages could only be deleted one at a time. Pages can be multi-selected by selecting a checkbox next to the pages. More details Individual Page Student View


How to submit textbook adoptions on Follett Discover via Canvas

January 25, 2021 by | Faculty

One way to submit textbook adoptions is to go through Canvas. Since many faculty are on Canvas every day, this might be the easiest way for you to access Follett Discover for your textbook adoptions.  Here is your step-by-step guide.   Before you go to Follett, be sure you have the ISBN number(s) handy and/or


Zoom Recordings copied daily to your Microsoft OneDrive

January 21, 2021 by | Zoom

Now that Zoom recordings expire after 120 days, it is good to know that all your Zoom recordings get backed up every day to the Chapman Microsoft OneDrive Cloud. These recordings remain both secure and private. Log into your Microsoft OneDrive account using your Chapman email and password using this link: https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-us/signin   Click on


Canvas support resources

January 15, 2021 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Univerity faculty, To help you prepare for the upcoming semester, we have updated our Canvas support resources. E-mail hehp: canvas@chapman.edu Virtual support: Monday to Friday, 9:30-11:30 am & 2:30-4:30 pm at the Virtual Tech Hub Canvas Support Knowledgebase: In this knowledgebase, you will find information about the Chapman-specific use of Canvas that may not


Zoom Pro Tips

January 15, 2021 by | Zoom

Have you visited the Zoom blog lately? They offer frequent “pro tips” to take your Zoom skills to the next level.  Some recent posts to explore: Four new Zoom features educators can use to maximize teaching and learning Create a virtual seating chart Better support deaf and hard-of-hearing students Use multi-spotlight for better group presentations


Interested in Adobe Creative Cloud products for your class but not sure where to start?

January 13, 2021 by | Adobe Creative Cloud

The “Adobe Getting Started Series” for instructors These self-paced courses cover a variety of creative tasks and related Adobe products. The series is focused on how instructors can use the tools to engage with students; some courses include teaching material. Get Started with Adobe. Explore the value of digital literacy and learn to use Adobe Creative


Update Zoom to Access New Features

January 6, 2021 by | Zoom

If you haven’t updated Zoom recently, you are likely missing out on many new and improved features including: Enhanced breakout room capabilities Enhanced non-verbal feedback and reactions Raise hand feature is now available for hosts and co-hosts Improved security options If you need them, here are instructions on how to update Zoom.  Recent other blog


Best Practices for Creating, Managing, and Sharing Zoom class meetings

December 22, 2020 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman University Faculty, I would like to share some best practices and recommendations to help you create, manage, and share your Zoom class meetings to help you prepare for the upcoming semester. Before the Zoom meeting creation: Activate your Chapman University Zoom account (if it’s not activated). Update the Zoom application. Enable Zoom in


How to Organize Your Canvas Course Series

December 12, 2020 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman University faculty, Educational Technology Services will be hosting “How to Organize Your Canvas Course Series.”  Chapman University instructional designers will share their best practices on engaging your students through Canvas, and show you how to use the tools in Canvas to simplify your communication. Please click on the links below to find out

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