New Gradebook Feature in Canvas
Student IDs now appear in the Canvas Gradebook, making it easier for instructors to distinguish students with similar/identical names sort students when exporting the Gradebook When exporting the Gradebook in Canvas, there is now a new column called StudentID. For more information on how to use the Gradebook in Canvas, visit the Instructor Guide.
Some thoughts about well-baked online learning
Perhaps you have taken up baking during the pandemic, as so many others have? What I have learned about sourdough over the last seven months is that it takes many weeks to curate a good sourdough starter and it takes at least three days to prepare the dough for baking a loaf: with stages for
Avoid Data Loss when Multiple Graders are in the Speedgrader in Canvas
Instructors, if you have graders assisting you with grading, please be sure to share the following information with them: All individuals performing grading in a course should be aware of how the SpeedGrader works. Please share directions on how to use the SpeedGrader from the Canvas Guides. When the SpeedGrader is launched, all assignment data
Important Zoom Update
We have turned on the ability to publish and unpublish Zoom cloud recordings in Canvas. As a result of this change, instructors will have the option to review a Zoom cloud recording before making it viewable to their students. This change adds a step that will ensure greater oversight on Zoom Cloud recordings, so faculty
Technology Tips for Teaching Online
Dear Chapman University faculty, As the new semester starts, I would like to share some tips with you to help you start your classes online. You can click on each link below to receive more information. On behalf of the Educational Technology Services Team, I wish you an excellent start to the fall semester and
Setting up a Waiting Room in Zoom (easy)
These are the instructions to configure the Waiting Room option for your Zoom meeting for users that have not signed using their Chapman login. Students that have logged in will enter the Zoom meeting automatically. Only guests (not from Chapman) and Zoom-bombers will be put in the Waiting Room and need to be admitted to
Poll Everywhere
Thinking about using PollEverywhere this fall to encourage interaction during synchronous class meetings? Getting started with Poll Everywhere Webinar: The “Getting started with Poll Everywhere” webinar happens live every other Thursday at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST. Learn more and register for that webinar here. Click here to view the recording of the Back to
Remember to Publish Your Canvas Course
Instructors, In order for students to receive Announcements, Inbox messages,or to see your course, the course must be PUBLISHED in Canvas. Canvas tip: Your course must be published to send Announcements or use the Inbox for your course. There are three layers of publishing. Please follow the links for instructions. Publish the COURSE Publish the
Getting Started with Zoom
First, Claim your account at Next, Learn to use the Zoom/Canvas Integration to schedule your meetings Then, Completely new to Zoom? Attend training! Explore the top Zoom resources at Zoom Consider, Start exploring activities you can use in Zoom Last, Practice! If you need technical support on using Zoom, contact the Service Desk. If
A "Window" into the Fall semester
These past few months of working from home, I’ve spent a significant amount of time gazing at the window view outside of my home office, which shows the orange tree in my yard as well as my vegetable garden beds and my chicken coop off in the far distance: The view has helped to offset