YuJa Training
If you missed the two training sessions on how to get started using YuJa, the videos are now available for you to view at your convenience. The Basic video covers how to log in to YuJa as well as uploading, editing, and embedding video. The Advanced video covers how to create YuJa Video Quizzes
Canvas Updates
Syllabus Icon Display in Syllabus Update Summary In the Syllabus, users can view updated icons for assignments, discussions, and quizzes in the Course Summary. Change Benefit This update allows users to differentiate between assignments, discussions, and quiz icons in the Syllabus Course Summary. Feature Workflow Syllabus Course Summary In the Syllabus, different icon symbols display
YuJa Level 1 Training Video Available
Thank you to everyone who attended the level 1 YuJa training. If you missed the training, you can view the video below: We also created a Q&A document during the training you can reference. Please sign up for the Level 2 training on June 30. This training will be particularly helpful if you want to
New Zoom Apps available on June 7, 2022
On June 7, 2022, Zoom will enable certain Zoom Apps developed by Zoom: Meeting Timer The Timer app features a sleek countdown animation and a water-like alarm when the time is up. Perfect for keeping meetings on track, time-based tasks, and even on-Zoom group meditation. The Timer app can help you focus on your time
2022 Adobe Creative Campus Faculty Development Institute
We are looking for Chapman faculty members to participate in the upcoming Adobe Creative Campus Faculty Development Institute. The practical purpose of the Adobe Creative Campus program is to foster engaged student experiences that develop digital literacies and connect the curriculum with career and community. The 2022 Faculty Development Institute will walk you through lesson plans and assignment
Canvas Updates
Course Settings Local and Course Time Zones Displayed Summary In Course Settings, local and course time zones are displayed. Change Benefit This update allows users to view any differences in time zones between the time set for the course and the local time for the user. Affected User Roles Instructors Feature Workflow View Local and
Canvas Spotlight on Instructors
In April 2022, we asked students to share examples of exemplary Canvas courses and tell us why they thought these courses made particularly good use of Canvas. Here is what our Chapman students said: Argyros School of Business and Economics Cristina Nistor | MKTG 408: New Product Development Professor Nistor’s Canvas Course is organized in
From Spring to Summer
Dear Colleagues, As the Spring term draws to a close I’ve been thinking a lot about how I might better evaluate the efforts that I’ve put into crafting inclusive practices and culturally-responsive curriculum in the courses that I teach. To that end, I developed an evaluation rubric to gather feedback from the students in these
Sharpen Your Zoom Skills
Brand new on-demand courses and live training sessions designed just for educators are now LIVE in the Zoom Learning Center (ZLC)! These materials cover everything educators need to know to set up their classrooms and establish routines for success. You can select from courses and sessions that cover: Getting Started with Zoom for Education Setting
YuJa Early Adopters
What is YuJa? YuJa Media is the platform replacing Panopto this fall. It is a portfolio of digital media tools that allow you to search inside all your media, including video, audio, slides, comments, and notes auto caption all videos automatically index your entire library find specific topics for review share your video with one